Dear Ami-chan,

              Ami, so many times I have looked at you, wondering what lay behind those blue eyes.  Eyes that shine with sparkles, like ice floating in a lake.  Ami, how can I possibly tell you what your friendship means to me?  You are so serious, yet you also have fun.  How I wish a certain Odango Atama were able to do that too. 
             You are so kind Ami-chan.  Don't ever believe anyone who tells you you aren't.  Many times your kindness has caused others to wonder if you are right, but in the end it is always your kindness that saves the day. 

              I remember when I first met you, you were a complete mystery to me.  I wanted to get to know this person.  I invited you on a cruise, perhaps on the surface I wanted to make Usagi jealous, but deep inside me, I wanted to know this happy girl who has brought joy to everyone. 
              Don't ever change Ami, for it is when you are yourself that you bring the most joy to others.
                                                                     ~Rei Hino