Phoebus and Deimos guard Rei from the sky.  The two ravens have helped Rei out of more than one tight spot.   However, they only have importance in the manga.  In the anime, they aren't even given names!  However, I like to think that the animators were going to include them in the storyline, but ran out of time.  When Rei was taken to the nemeses area by Jaedite, they flew overhead (I think they even attacked him, but I'm not sure).   In the manga, when Sailor Mars defeated Jaedite, they flew above, and when Rei saw the ship of the Dead Moon Circus for the first time they tried to warn her.  They used a Tarot card of an eclipse placed over an article in a newspaper of an eclipse, and placed two crossed black feathers over it as a warning. 
The ravens made their first human debut in Act 36, the two helped Rei transform into Super Sailor Mars by giving her a heart shaped compact, which also

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allowed her to power up for her most powerful attack Mars Flame Sniper, which she used to kill Tigers Eye (who had changed into a tiger).
Act 45 revealed that the two were from the planet Coronis, which is also where Sailor Lead Crow is from.  The two change into their human forms (they're so cute^^).  They have two odango-like buns in their long, black hair; haltered costumes with a six pointed star at their throat and have strapped high heels.   They then battle with Lead Crow, who eventually takes their star seeds. (sniff) But, they end up all right at the end!
